To us, quite simply,
Food is Love

We’re often asked how we got started in the gluten-free business.
The short answer is that within our own family we discovered an intolerance to gluten that necessitated a change in diet.
The broader answer is that, because we personally know how it feels to require a not-quite-mainstream diet, we’re committed to making it easier for other gluten-free folks to enjoy delicious food that doesn’t separate them from their gluten-full friends and family.
For us, it’s not enough to make a passable gluten-free substitute.
We’d rather create something that everyone in the house, office or restaurant, or at the party will enjoy. We love spreading the love, and we’ll always go the extra mile to bring people together and make them feel special. Why?
Because we get responses like these:
“I never thought my daughter would be able to eat a Twinkie.”
“Better than the original.”
“Best Peanut Butter Cookie. Ever!”
“Better than ANY gluten-filled cookie.”
“I am a devoted customer for life.”
At the end of the day, our name says it all. We do what we do to bake people happy—all people.
We’re revolutionizing the way the world views gluten-free—one cookie, scone, and snack cake at a time.
When it comes to flavor and texture, we’ve mastered the mix. We don’t use one, all-purpose, gluten-free flour for everything we bake. No, indeed! That, in our humble opinion, is a recipe for crumbly, cardboard-y, flavorless disaster. Instead, we do tons of research; create unique, individualized flour blends for each and every item; and then test every item over and over again to ensure that every bite delivers a mouthful of marvelous.
In our never-ending desire to appeal to GF and non-GF folks alike, we found ourselves asking why someone who wasn’t gluten-free would choose our baked goods over a gluten-full alternative. The answer was easy: there’s nothing in the gluten-full world that compares. Each and every one of our gourmet goodies has a surprising twist—a special ingredient (think spicy peanut butter and extra-crunchy sea salt), a superior texture, an extra-creamy filling—that makes it stand apart from the same-old, same-old crowd.
Good things start with great ingredients…
Obviously, every item in the Bake Me Happy kitchen is gluten-free, but we’re also proud consumers of a number of exceptional ingredients that are not only locally sourced but also the very best available anywhere.
From the Ohio maple syrup in our scones to the Krema spicy nut butter in our Peanut Butter Burners and the Snowville Cream in our Sugar Cream Pies, when it comes to ingredients, we only use the very best. For our flours and grains, nothing but Bob’s Red Mill® will do.
When buying gluten-free products, we know how important it is that your treats are made in a kitchen free of any gluten-containing ingredients. Cross-contamination is a major concern for people with gluten intolerance - the tiniest amount of wheat, barley or rye can ruin your day … or week.
At Bake Me Happy we take gluten-free very seriously.
Brand new space on the South Side. We do not allow any gluten-containing ingredients in our kitchen and we work very hard to keep everything safe for people with other allergies as well. Delicious and safe…what more could you ask for?!